Monday, November 10, 2008

Wow... The weekend is over and I have not blogged once.... maybe this was not such a good idea! Okay here is a recap of the past few days.

I attended an autism/asperger's conference on both Thursday and Friday. If any of you ever get the chance to see Tony Atwood, please take the time to see him. He is wonderful. I think this is the fourth time now. I picked up some good tips on how to help Ryan with some social skills. I will keep you informed on how they work.

On Friday night, Alex and Joe made the decision to "camp" out at WalMart for the PRE-Black Friday Sale. They had the Playstation 3 for $100.00 off plus you received a $100.00 gift card. They returned home at around 9:00 a Conquering war hero's and immediately went downstairs to play it. However, they had to tell me all the stories from their 8 hour camp out! Evidently Alex was "threatened" by the manager that he was either going to charge him with shopliffting or with vandelism. When Alex asked why, it was because he took a rocking chair and was setting it! Alex has no luck with Walmart managers! I will have to share the story of the I-Pod sometime. The boys never did go to bed the entire day, however, after supper, they finally crashed! Oh to be young again. Here is a picture to remember the night. Joe (our exchange student from Germany) is on the left and Alex is on the right.

On Sunday we went out for breakfast at Hy-Vee and then went to Alex's school play at Hayden High School. Alex runs the sound equipment. They did the musical GodSpell and did an awesome job! As a fund raiser, they had a place where you could send a flower to someone in the case/crew. Sigh.. here is what Alex did with his!

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