Tuesday, November 11, 2008

football letter

Last night we attended the WRHS football banquet. Joe, was the first foreign exchange student to ever complete a football season. He had never played football before and by the end of the season he was starting on the junior varasity team.
He was very proud of earning a letter for all of his efforts. Now he has a week off and will start wrestling practice next week. sigh.... To be honest, I really don't like wrestling. I have a hard time watching it. I want to run out there and pull the boys apart and tell them to "play nice"! grin....
Alex starts swim practice next week also. So that pretty much means good-bye to family meals for awhile. Joe will be at practice from after school to around 5;30. Alex has to be at swim from 5:30-8:00. Dan works three days a week, 12 hour days, which means he doesn't get home until 7:30. I HATE eating at 8:30! So my crock pot will get a work-out. That way everyone can eat when it fits best into their schedule. I really do miss it when we don't have evening meals together...I guess I have to make the weekend ones special and hold on to the fact that in a few months we will all be together again.

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